Baker Pediatric Dentistry Idaho Falls

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About Baker Pediatric Dentistry Pllc

Get to Know Dr. Baker

Baker Pediatric Dentistry, Pllc is a provider established in Idaho Falls, Idaho operating as a Dentist with a focus in pediatric dentistry . The NPI number of Baker Pediatric Dentistry, Pllc is 1407211725 and was assigned on December 2015. The practitioner’s primary taxonomy code is 1223P0221X. The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last updated 2 years ago. Baker Pediatric Dentistry, Pllc operates as a multi-specialty business group with one or more individual providers who practice different areas of specialization. The provider’s is doing business as Baker Pediatric Dentistry. The authorized official of this NPI record is Thomas Cecil Baker D.m.d


How To Reach Baker Pediatric Dentistry In Idaho Falls

Step 1: Baker Pediatric Dentistry is located in Idaho Falls, United States. Baker Pediatric Dentistry rating is 4.9 star out of 5, based on 198 reviews on their business profile on Google Maps.

Step 2: One can visit their website or may call to +12085245050 for inquiry.

Step 3: Address of Baker Pediatric Dentistry is 1900 John Adams Pkwy, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, United States. Coordinates are also mentioned in this article, Latitude is 43.493194 and longitude is -111.9961029.

Step 4: Baker Pediatric Dentistry plus code is F2V3+7H Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA. Instead of addresses with street names and numbers, Plus Codes are based on latitude and longitude, and displayed as numbers and letters. Plus Codes are like street addresses for people or places that don’t have one. So you can also easily reach Baker Pediatric Dentistry using plus code instead of a complete address.

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How Do I Update My Npi Information

The NPI record of BAKER PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, PLLC was last updated on December 31, 2015. To officially update your NPI information contact the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System at 1-800-465-3203 or by email at NPI Profile data is regularly updated with the latest NPI registry information, if you would like to update or remove your NPI Profile in this website please contact us at:

Posted: Oct 3 20: 00 Am

Baker Dentistry is highlighting hardworking people who make our local businesses a success. Every Sunday, were Getting to Know YOU!

1. Name, job title and company: Rachel Barnes, Office Manager at Baker Pediatric Dentistry

2. What does your company do and what are your responsibilities? We specialize in Pediatric dentistry. I work alongside an amazing doctor, dental hygienists and dental assistants, running the front desk and helping wherever is needed.

3. Where were you born and when is your birthday? I was born in Jackson Hole, Wyoming on June 29, 1985

4. How long have you lived in eastern Idaho and what city do you live in now? I currently and have always lived in Idaho Falls.

5. Tell us about your first job after high school/college. I worked at Center Partners before starting here.

6. What is the best business decision youve ever made? The best business decision Ive made is applying for a dental assistant position for Dr. Gregg Baker in 2003. I have met some amazing little kiddos and parents through my years here.

7. Tell us about your family. I am happily married to my high school sweetheart, Mike Barnes. We have two amazing boys, Treyson & Tatum, who keep us very busy. We love to golf, fish, hunt, and travel together.

8. Tell us about a movie or book that has inspired you the most in life. Not being a huge reader or movie buff, I would say Shooter with Mark Wahlberg is a great movie with a good story. Hes not a bad actor to look at either.

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