How To Restore Sql Server Database From Bak File

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Restore Sql Server Database From Corrupted Bak File Instantly

Restore Database from a BAK File in SQL Server

If you failed to restore SQL database from backup file, then it might be possible that the BAK file has corruption in it. In such cases, you cannot restore the database from above methods. You need to use SysTools .bak File Repair Software for easy restoring of SQL Server database from backup file in case of corruption. The software supports to restore SQL database of SQL Server 2017, 2016, & its below versions. Moreover, the free version of the software is also available.

How To Restore A Database From Multiple Backup Files In Sql Server Management Studio

Learn how to restore a database from multiple bak files in your SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio.

The restoration of a database tends to be pretty easy to do in SQL Server with SSMS. Whatever the current reason is, for example the restoration on a production environment, restoration on a local environment to check the database integrity and so on, you will need to know how to import it, as sometimes this isn’t so obvious with the interface. As if this wasn’t enough, sometimes during the restoration you will have not a single file to restore but a split backup which generates multiple .bak files.

In this article, we’ll explain you how to restore an entire database from multiple bak files using SQL Server Management Studio.

S To Restore Sql Server Database From Bak File

Method 1 Restore SQL Database using SSMS

If you have SSMS installed on your system, follow these steps to restore your SQL database from the backup file:

Step 1: Open SSMS and connect to an instance of SQL Server.

Step 2: Next, go to Object Explorer and click the Server Name to expand the Server tree.

Step 3: Navigate to Databases and open the database you want to restore in SQL Server.

Step 4: Right-click the Database, and then click Restore Database.

Figure 1 – Restore Database Option

Step 5: The Restore Database window is displayed. From the General page, under Source section, select any of these options:

a. Choose the Database option, and then select the database you want to restore from the drop-down list.

Note: When the backup is taken from another server, the destination server wont contain the backup history information for the selected database. However, you can manually specify the database file or device by selecting the Device option.

b. Choose the Device option, and then click the ellipses to find your backup file.

  • From Select backup devices window, choose File as backup media, and then click Add.
  • Locate and select the .BAK file you want to restore, and then click OK.
  • Again click OK to return to the Restore Database window.

Figure 2 – Locate SQL Database Backup File

  • FromSelect backup devices window, choose File as backup media, and then click Add.

Figure 3 Select Add to Navigate to .BAK File

Figure 4 Select the Backup File

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Another Method In Sql Server To Restore Database From Bak File Using Script

In the above method to restore database in sql server is to restore database from bak file using script, so suppose here we have .bak file in D:\, we can run script as below

Using T-SQL

  • Connect to the Database Engine.

  • From the Standard bar, click New Query.

  • In the RESTORE statement, specify a logical or physical backup device to use for the backup operation. This example restores from a disk file that has the physical name

RESTORE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 FROM DISK = 'D:\AdventureWorks2012.BAK'GO

the above script, will restore the database using the specified file. If the database already exists it will overwrite the files. If the database does not exist it will create the database and restore the files to same location specified in the backup.

Note: You might get error

Logical file 'AdventureWorks' is not part of database 'AdventureWorks'. Use RESTORE FILELISTONLY to list the logical file names.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Directory lookup for the file "C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT SQL SERVER\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorks.MDF" failed with the operating system error 3. 

In this case, it means you are missing .ldf/.mdf files of the above backup, to get it, you need to run the below command


Restore a full backup allowing additional restores such as a differential or transaction log backup


Creating A Scheduled Backup Using Sql Server Agent Jobs

Restore SQL Database From Bak File of SQL Server 2019/17/16/14/12

To schedule an automated backup with a SQL Server Agent job:

  • Right click Jobs and select New job from the context menu, in the object explorer panel, in SSMS, under the SQL Server Agent node.

  • Enter a name for the job in the New job dialog
  • 1
    TO DISK=N’F:\TLogBackups\CE.log’ GO

    A necessary pre-requisite to creating a transaction log or differential backup is that a full SQL Server database backup must already exist. So you must create a full database backup, if the database has never been backed-up before, before creating a differential.

    Transaction log and differential backups play well together with full database backups and can be used in tandem. By taking a sophisticated approach to backups you can achieve a high level of database continuity and insurance/protection from data loss while minimizing backup file storage requirements. You can, for example, schedule a full SQL Server backup every 12 hours, but a differential, much more often, say every 4 hours and finally, back up your transaction log every 15 minutes. The key is finding the sweet spot between mitigating potential data loss and storage requirements that is optimal for your organization

  • To schedule a job, click New, in the New Job dialog, under the Schedule tab
  • In the Job Schedule tab, select a recurring frequency and a start date and click OK:

  • Right click the job and select Start job at step option, to check a created job in the SSMS Object Explorer pane, under the SQL Server Agent then Jobs node

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    Verifying And Restoring Azure Backups

    When databases back up to Azure storage, you can select whether to create it WITH CHECKSUMS or without. After the backup is created, you can run the RESTORE VERIFYONLY command to see if there’s a problem with the backup file. This isn’t a required step, but it is a best practice to implement. You always have the option to restore the backup to another database and check the data there. This is a time-consuming process, and mostly unnecessary, so if you really want to do this, you can always use Azure Automation to run some scripts on each backup upload.

    If you’re trying to restore an Azure SQL Database, it will take you just a few clicks through the Azure Portal to restore it to a desired point in time. Just keep in mind that those backups are retained for either 7 or 35 days, depending on your service-tier. Restoring backups to an SQL Server is usually done with SQL Server Management Studio. The restoration process is straightforward, following these guidelines. If you’re in a situation where you need to restore a transaction log backup because your last backup isn’t covering all the transactions that took place before something went wrong, you can follow the steps outlined here.

    Copy A Backup File Into The Container

    This tutorial uses the Wide World Importers sample database. Use the following steps to download and copy the Wide World Importers database backup file into your SQL Server container.

  • First, use docker exec to create a backup folder. The following command creates a /var/opt/mssql/backup directory inside the SQL Server container.

    sudo docker exec -it sql1 mkdir /var/opt/mssql/backup
    docker exec -it sql1 mkdir /var/opt/mssql/backup
  • Next, download the WideWorldImporters-Full.bak file to your host machine. The following commands navigate to the home/user directory and downloads the backup file as wwi.bak.

    cd~curl -L -o wwi.bak ''
    curl -OutFile "wwi.bak"""
  • Use docker cp to copy the backup file into the container in the /var/opt/mssql/backup directory.

    sudo docker cp wwi.bak sql1:/var/opt/mssql/backup
    docker cp wwi.bak sql1:/var/opt/mssql/backup
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    Restore Database In Sql Server Using Bak

    How to Restore Database in SQL Server using BAK file?. For this demonstration, we are going to use the Management Studio to restore the database from the .bak file.

    As you can see, the server does not have the AdventureWorks2017 database

    See that the Mdf and ldf files corresponding to the AdventureWorks2017 are not there in C Drive.

    TIP: Please refer to Backup Database for creating a database backup, and refer to Maintenance Plan for creating regular database backups in SQL Server.

    We have a Backup file in our D Drive, and we use this file to restore

    How To Restore Sql Server Database Using Sqlbackupandftp


    If you use SQLBackupAndFTP to create SQL Server backups then you can restore them right from the history pane:

    To restore on the same server where the backups were taken, in the History & restore section of SQLBackupAndFTP select the backup you want to restore, click the dots button on that line, select Restore from Backup and follow the steps.

    The good thing here is that you can choose any backup of any type and all other necessary backups will be restored automatically.

    If you need to restore other backups that were made via SQLBackupAndFTP, or Standard T-SQL Command CREATE BACKUP, or SQL script or a .bacpac file then, with the following steps, you can create a Restore Job, to do it:

  • Choose a place where your backups are stored
  • Select a database to restore
  • Connect to the Server to which you need to restore the backups
  • Also, you can set the email notification option, set a password if your backups are encrypted, and specify a temporary folder.

    The only requirement is that the name of a backup should comply with the following format:


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    Restoring Database Files And Filegroups

    Apart from that, we can restore a particular database file with the following script:

    RESTORE DATABASE  FILE = N'JobEmplDB'FROM DISK = N'\\Shared\Backup\Full\JobEmplDB_2020_07_19_17_27_01.bak' WITH FILE = 1,     NOUNLOAD, REPLACE, STATS = 10 GO

    Here, we restore the JobEmplDB file. While restoring it, we can set WITH NORECOVERY for the sequence of the transaction log backups for the pre-set file.

    In the same way, we can restore the filegroup and restore a partial backup. To do this via SSMS, right-click the Databases and select the Restore Files and Filegroups option:

    Img. 8. Restoring files and filegroupsin SSMS

    On the General tab, we select the destination to restore and the source for restoring :

    Img. 9. The General tab settings in SSMS

    Then, on the Options tab, we need to configure the necessary settings:

    Img. 10. The Options tab settings in SSMS

    The database itself has the same shortcut menu:

    Img. 11. The Restore context menu of the database in SSMS

    Note that it is possible to restore the transaction log backup only if the database is in the NORECOVERY or STANDBY mode. Thats why this option is not available on the screenshot above.

    Also, it is possible to restore the page. For instance, the example below demonstrates restoring pages with the following identifiers: 1:57, 1:202, 1:916, and 1:1016:

    If you wish to learn more on the subject, read about restoring pages.

    Restoring And Testing Backups

    A backup is only good if it can be restored successfully and this must be verified, and continuously re-verified to ensure your backup and restore strategy can be executed successfully when needed. Backups must be restored in a test environment and fully verified to ensure they meet all business requirements and various permutations, contingencies and contexts of the company recovery strategy

    When testing backups many variables existing including environment, data, recovery time frames and data loss windows, application downtime and maximum acceptable threshold for data loss

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    Use The Persisted Data

    In addition to taking database backups for protecting your data, you can also use data volume containers. The beginning of this tutorial created the sql1 container with the -v sql1data:/var/opt/mssql parameter. The sql1data data volume container persists the /var/opt/mssql data even after the container is removed. The following steps completely remove the sql1 container and then create a new container, sql2, with the persisted data.

    ::: moniker range=”= sql-server-linux-2017 || = sql-server-2017″

  • sudo docker stop sql1
    docker stop sql1
  • Remove the container. This doesn’t delete the previously created sql1data data volume container and the persisted data in it.

    sudo docker rm sql1
    docker rm sql1
  • Create a new container, sql2, and reuse the sql1data data volume container.

    sudo docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=< YourStrong!Passw0rd> ' \   --name 'sql2' -e 'MSSQL_PID=Developer' -p 1401:1433 \   -v sql1data:/var/opt/mssql -d
    docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y"-e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=< YourStrong!Passw0rd> "`--name "sql2"-e "MSSQL_PID=Developer"-p 1401:1433`-v sql1data:/var/opt/mssql -d
  • ::: moniker-end

    ::: moniker-end

    Restore Sql Server Database From Bak File Using T

    Back up and restore SQL database instance using a .BAK file

    You may also use T-SQL query to restore a database from the .bak file by following these steps:

    Step 1: Start SSMS, and then connect to an instance of SQL Server.

    Step 2: Click the New Query option.

    Step 3: In the Query Editor window, run any of the following RESTORE statement:

    • For restoring the entire database from the .bak file, use the following command:

    Make sure to replace ‘DBName’ with the name of the database that you wish to restore. Also, replace ‘BackupFilePath’ with the path of your db backup file, and ‘BackupFileName’ with the name of your .bak file.

    • For restoring a specific file from the .bak file, use a command that resembles the following:

    Replace ‘FileName’ with the name of the file you want to restore.

    Method 3 Restore-SQL Database with Replace PowerShell

    You can also restore a SQL db by using the Restore-SqlDatabase cmdlet. The cmdlet performs restore operations including full database restores, transaction log, and database file restores on a SQL Server db.

    IMPORTANT! If you have an updated full database backup file, you can efficiently restore the database by using the above methods. But, you cannot perform selective database recovery from the backup file. For instance, you can recover a single table from backup.

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    Multiple Methods For Scheduling A Sql Server Backup Automatically

    SQL Server backups are an essential part of every good disaster recovery strategy. That is good. But setting up such backups to run effortlessly, is the goal. In this article, well review the types of backups, recommended practices and three different methods for automatically setting up SQL Server backups on a schedule. Note: these solutions can also be used in combination with one another

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    Topics: Cloud Volumes Ontapazurebackup And Archiveadvanced10 Minute Read

    Databases are more stable and reliable than they used to be, but there’s still a possibility that you can lose data due to a bug in the database engine. Another concernone which probably won’t be resolved anytime soonis the reliability of the infrastructure you’re using to host your database. Having Azure backup plans can be a big help here.

    There are a number of different solutions for Azure backup SQL databases users can turn to. Hopefully, you’ll never have to restore your backups, but in case that ever happens, you should always backup your data and verify it on a regular basis. In this post we’ll show you how to do that using Azure storage as the target repository.

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    Backup Sql Server Into A Bak File Using Ssms

    1) Launch SSMS and connect it to your server instance.

    2) Choose the database instance you want to backup in Object Explorer.

    3) Right-click and select Tasks> Backup.

    4) Select backup type and destination.

    5) Click on add… to add a backup file named database path .bak.

    6) Click OK to create the job.

    A Restore A Full Database Backup

    How to Restore Database from a BAK File in SQL Server | restore SQL database
  • In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine and then expand that instance.

  • Right-click Databases and select Restore Database…

  • On the General page, use the section to specify the source and location of the backup sets to restore. Select one of the following options:

  • Database

    Select the database to restore from the drop-down list. The list contains only databases that have been backed up according to the msdb backup history.


    If the backup is taken from a different server, the destination server will not have the backup history information for the specified database. In this case, select Device to manually specify the file or device to restore.

  • For more information about these restore options, see Restore Database .

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    What Else You Can Do To Restore Sql Server Database

    If your SQL database is corrupt and you don’t have a complete backup copy to restore the db, using Stellar Toolkit for MS SQL can help. Its a comprehensive software that comprises tools to help DBAs solve multiple problems. With the backup extractor tool available in the toolkit, you can extract data from a corrupted backup file . You can use the SQL repair tool to fix severely corrupted SQL data files and recover all the database objects. In addition, the password recovery tool of the toolkit can help reset lost/forgotten password of a db file.

    Restore Sql Server Database Backup Using T

    The third article in the series about SQL Server backup and restore will take us through the database restore process and demonstrate the two main principles of database restore available in Microsoft.

    To start with, let me remind you that in the first and the second articles, we reviewed the basics of the SQL Server backup process, main backup types, and the approaches to performing an auto backup.

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